, "We have within ourselves an innate wisdom, that we
can tap into, to create the life we desire."
Using a unique blend of metaphysics and intuition, renowned Life Strategy Coach, Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Doren Lawson, has taught thousands of people how to tap into an innate wisdom to overcome any issue that they are dealing with, re-empower themselves, and gain mastery over their lives.
Doren has more than 35 years experience working with individuals, groups and businesses. She maintains an active practice as well as speaking nationally and internationally.
As a speaker, she combines insight and humour to bring her presentations to life. She shares her incredible knowledge in a hands-on learning environment that leaves her participants with new knowledge they can use instantly. Her friendly and dynamic style always gets results.
Doren can be reached by phone at 905-508-7518 or email at dorenlawson@gmail.com. Sessions can be held by phone or in person.
